Programme Terms

BFFOOD is an initiative promoted by the Xunta de Galicia through the Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN), or the Instituto Galego de Promoción Económica (IGAPE) and the Sociedade Xestora de Entidades de Investimento de Tipo Pechado (XESGALICIA); coordinated by the Galician Food Cluster (Clusaga), and with the participation of large companies that drive the sector, as well as other collaborating entities in the sector.

Our objective is to accelerate and consolidate specialized projects in the food sector and their transformation into innovative, viable and scalable companies that attract and retain talent; thus contributing to strengthening the positioning of the sector and increasing its international projection.

With a vision of becoming a reference in the promotion of open and disruptive innovation in the food sector, it is deployed in three strategic areas focused on the promotion of entrepreneurial culture, the development of an open innovation ecosystem and the promotion of the business sector. And for this, the industry is led and supported by two agents necessary to consolidate an innovation ecosystem in the food sector in Galicia.

The bases set out here are intended to explain the characteristics of the program, the terms and conditions of participation of the projects that are presented to the call and, finally, the legal aspects for the relationship between the participants and BFFOOD.

In the section, “Characteristics of BFFOOD”, the initiative is presented including the different aspects, among which the industry leadership stands out and the support for the complete project cycle, the resources available to the two projects and the financing conditions.

The following section, “Terms and conditions”, details aspects that are important for the participation of two projects in BFFOOD, such as the eligibility or evaluation criteria of the projects, as well as the requirements of the projects during the acceleration and consolidation phases.

The section dedicated to “Legal Aspects” addresses topics such as responsibilities, intellectual property and protection of personal data of program participants.

Finally, the “Annexes” contain all the documentation to be presented for the request and justification of financing from different entities; GAIN and XESGALICIA. Likewise, in the last annex, collect the themes of special interest defined by the food sector.